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It’s the end of June and what have we been up to at the library?

There has been “seed Spitting, a digital scavenger hunt, we made rain sticks, Father’s day card, catapults and planters too.

maryspit max spit rainstickleon rainstickgabs

catapultrichie catapultsarah planters planters2

Then we raced Rocket Balloons and bouncy balls, made “Temporary” lava lamps and had food from our trip the Oz Museum.

bouncyball Rocket #2 Rocket#1 Ozfood

Next we made Pan Pipes from straws, celebrated National Chocolate Pudding Day and made mini pies

pan pies#1 Pan pipes #2 chocpud#1 chocpud#2 chocpud#3 Pies


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