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Library Giving Day started as an idea generated by the Seattle Public Library Foundation. The concept was to create a national day of giving that public libraries would rally around and that the public would embrace. So, Seattle Public Library partnered with its strategic library fundraising partner, Carl Bloom Associates, to turn the idea into a reality. As a result, this helpful website and its Campaign Tools are available to make #LibraryGivingDay a success.

As we know, public libraries are known for books and research materials, but they also offer many programs that promote lifelong learning, connect patrons to technology, and advance our knowledge.

#LibraryGivingDay is a one-day fundraising event with the goal of encouraging people who depend on and enjoy public libraries to donate to their individual library system. And in turn, that support will go toward the incredible programs, services and materials provided by local libraries all over the country.

The next #LibraryGivingDay is April 3, 2024. Join the movement, download the campaign tools and start planning. Together, we can make it a success