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It’s the second week of summer reading, what did we do?

First up was the younger kids with the Toilet Paper Tube Race Cars on Wednesday, June 8th.

TP cars TP race cars







Second was the Adults making recycled pop bottle bird feeders on Thursday, June 9th.

pop bottle bird feeders pop bottle feeders







Next? On Fridays the adults have Food Fridays, where we make food of the month or day. Each person gets a list of the month and day foods for that month.

foodfridays friday foods







Last was the Teens with Catapult paper air planes on Friday, June 10th

paper planes planes







The kids looked up designs on the computer then made their planes.

Next Week. June 15th Pool Noodle Launchers, party for the scavenger hunt kids on June 17th also don’t forget Friday Foods!