We rounded out the summer with a few more events. National Milk Chocolate Day was celebrated on July 28th and the teens made baby jar candles on July 31st.

milkchoc#1 Milkchoc#2 candle#1 candle#2

National Root Beer Float Day was August 6th, everyone was invited. The teens tie dyed on August 7th and Summer Reading ended on Wednesday, August 13th.

rootbeer# rootbeer#2 rootbeer#3

The 2014 program had 36 kids 5th grade and under signed up. 10 teenagers and 11 adults.

Winners of most read or listened to books were:


Kallen Hastings, Ashley Harkins and Kaeden Willis

Reader [5th grade and under]:

Tagen Wallace, Drake Weber and Damien Geiler

Teen Readers:

Ashley Thompson, Sarah Wood and Kenzie Weber

Adult Reader:

Margaret Moore, Danika Willis and Barbara Lane

This summer we held 12 kids programs, 11 teen programs and 10 adult program. Congratulations to our winner and we hope to see everyone back next summer!


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