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Spring Break 20 18 is the week of march 18th. What does the library have planned?

We have a at least three[3] activities planned for the kids during this year spring break.

First will be Wednesday, March 21st at 2:00 PM. The kids will be making “Fluffy slime. This event will have a sign-up sheet we will take the first 14. Child must also be at least 5 years old to participate. This is a messy craft so we need room for kids to not make to much mess. We may also have a list of alternates in case someone who signed up does not show.

Second on Thursday, March 22nd we will be making Easter pom pom games at 2:00 PM.

Friday, March 23rd is National Chips and Dip day. So the adults will be sampling different chips and dips at noon and the kids will be samplings theirs at 2:00.

In addition on Friday [Good Friday] March 30th we will have an Easter craft at 2:00 PM.