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Richmond Public Library is part of a coalition of libraries joining forces to raise funds through a Library GivingDay campaign. This one-day online fundraising event will occur on Wednesday, April 7th and will encourage patrons and library lovers to support their library. This campaign reminds us that libraries serve as a cornerstone for our communities. In addition to well-loved books, many libraries offer innovative programs that promote lifelong learning, connect patrons to technology, and advance knowledge. Join The Richmond Public Library during Library Giving Day! This one-day online fundraising event will occur on Wednesday, April 7th and we encourage patrons and library lovers to make a gift in support of your library anytime now through April 7, 2021 by visiting us at richmond.mykansaslibrary.org and click the librarygivingday link…

#LibraryGivingDay is a one-day fundraising event with the goal of encouraging people who depend on and enjoy public libraries to donate to their individual library system. And in turn, that support will go toward the incredible programs, services and materials provided by local libraries all over the country.

If possible the library will also have an “Open House” on April 6th. The week of April 4th- April 10th is National Library week. Last years was canceled due to Corona virus we are hoping to be able to have people in for this years National Library celebration.

The week also includes, National Library Workers day [April 6ht] and National Giving Day [April 7th] so we hope to be able to have the annual “Open House’ to help celebrate all of these. Watch for more posts as the date gets closer, also watch our Facebook page for any updates.