We have finished the first month of this strange summer reading program. All seems to be going well this year, even though we were not sure what to expect.

We have 33 kids, 8 teen and 9 adults sign up.






So far we have made Unicorns, foaming dragons, paper bag monsters, cardboard swords.

The Tweens and teens have done 4 invisible movies, foaming dragons and designed snap bracelets.

The adults have made fairies and only managed to have lunch one time. This social distancing is hard sometimes.

The older kids and adults are also doing Cemetery Poker.

Everyone is doing the Story walk and the Minion hunt.






Coming in July?

Frog masks, bees wax candles, fire breathing dragons, DIY paddle boats, pet rocks, slime/ lip gloss, village, mini weapons of mass destruction, crowns, aliens and candy dots. Also a new story walk and a ducky hunt.