New Covid-19 Library Rules

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Annual Christmas Raffle

It’s time for the Richmond Public Library Annual Christmas Raffle.

Ticket are $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00

Find a board member or come to the library to buy tickets. We take cash and checks.

This years baskets:

Armageddon, Art, Cabin Fever, Chamber Players, Chocolate, Cider Mill

Hot Drinks, Kids, Liquor, Me Time, Minion, Soup, Spa and Wine



The Library in 2020

Well we made it another month without having to close down. That’s a plus in the world today.

The library is still open regular hours. We are still limiting the computes we have open. We have done a couple craft days. We did Halloween crafts on two different days at four different times. It worked for this library. Going to try again with Thanksgiving and Christmas crafts.

Story time is happening. There are only 5 and they all come from they same daycare and most are related. Food club is also happening most of these people have been in close contact with each other a lot so they seem to be okay with meeting.

The library is watching the stats and listening to talks about the current Covid- 19 crises. Is things get much worse we may have to go back to no touching the items again or even curbside service. [we really, really hope this will not happen]

The computers that are open have covered keyboards and mouse which are changed out after each use. Tables, desk chairs and doors are wiped down after patrons leave. Lysol is sprayed a lot. We are doing the best we can while trying to be open to the public. So with that in mind. Please stay home if you are sick!…

October at the Library

It’s a very strange year for everyone not just the library. We are trying to make it as normal as possible.

Right now we offer 2 computers for patron use.  30 minutes on a computer per person. We are trying to limit how many patrons are in the library at a time, and trying to keep a safe distance apart.

In September the library did decide to go ahead and have story time. This year the only kids coming are all from the same day care and half are related and there are only 5, so far so good with the story time kids.

We do have some remote learners the come to the library on Wednesday afternoon for their “Library” time. This is also a small group. So far they seem to working out okay.

We also are trying something new with craft days. A limit of 6 kids at a time at two different times and different days. [does that make sense?] Our first Halloween craft was Friday, Ocotber16th at 4: and 5:00 and the on October 21st at 4:00. I worked out pretty good so there will be another craft on October 28th and 29th.

Food club has also started back up. Most of these people have been around each other the whole time or are related.

It seems to be working for now, but Covid-19 cases are on the rise and flu season is starting so we are taking it one day at a time.

Patron are allowed to browse the shelves and pick out their own items. Anything that comes in the library is quarantined for four days before check-in. Tables, shelves, desk, chairs and door handles are wiped down once patron leave.

Stay Safe! Stay Healthy! If your sick STAY HOME!…

Summer Reading 2020

Summer Reading 2020 is over. Covid-19 is still here and some of the kids are not going to be in school this year. Wow what a summer, the virus was suppose to slow down and did not, kids are still staying home, parents are deciding NOT to send their kids to school this year. The courier didn’t run, then it did. All items returned had to be quarantined for 3 days, then 4 days, hopefully nothing new comes down and makes it longer.

Among all that we ran a different summer reading program. No In-Library programs this year. Kids or parents picked up their crafts each week and took them home to make them.

But they did come. They did sign up for summer reading and they did read and do crafts, parent sent pictures to the library so we could post them on our Facebook page.

Here are the numbers for this years program:

12- kids 5 & under signed up. this group had 19 programs this summer.

20- kids 6-10 signed up. This group has 18 programs this summer.

8- kids 12- 18 signed up. This group had 17 programs this summer.

9- adults signed up. This group has 19 programs this summer.

We made dragons, swords, unicorns, fairies, frog masks, candles, pet rocks, slime, lip gloss, bath salts, aliens candy dots, gnomes, mini weapons of mass destruction and Ice cream in a bag. We guessed invisible movies and what the picture was on Facebook. We did 2 story walks and a minion hunt and a duck hunt. We were busy this summer!

Congratulations to our top readers:

5 & under:

Derrki Webb, Lydia Purdham, Hunter Purdham and Ryker Snow

6- 10 year olds:

Elijah Rowland, Leon Weber, Kamryn Reeder, and Weslon Rowland

11- 18 year olds:

Kiaden Reeder, Chloe La Duke, Drake Weber and Damien Geiler


Dorothy Welch, Margaret Moore and Keri Meyer

Thanks for showing up weekly during this strange time!
