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The 2018 Richmond Public Library Summer Reading Program has come to an end. What did we do in July and August?


July 1st we made 4th of July crackers







July 5th the teens made home made Figit spinners







July 6th the Adults painted rocks







July 9th was National Sugar Cookie Day







July 11th the kids made drum tree and popsicle stick kazoos







We were closed July 12, 13 & 14 for the Richmond Free Fair. The library has a food stand and game booth at the fair as a fundraiser.







July 18th we made Rock N’ Roll Robots for the younger kids and Ice Cream Sundaes for everyone







July 20th was National Fortune Cookie Day, we had fortune cookies and took a quiz







July 25th the kids made castanets







July 26th we made Fluffy Slime







The Adults made DIY pet toys on July 27th







August 1st was our Musical Instrument Scavenger Hunt, 3 teams of kids and adults







The winning Scavenger hunt team







August 6th was National Root beer Float day







August 8th the end of summer reading. We had pudding cups and freeze pops







There was also Friday food club on Fridays at Noon [most Fridays]

Lunch with the librarians on Wednesdays at 12:30 [we hope to do this again next year]


Time for school to start, we hope everyone had a wonderful summer!