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The annual summer reading “Treasure Hunt” which singles the end of the program was Wednesday, August 6th. Starting at 3:00 the kids arrived at the library to be split up into groups for the hunt. There were three groups, spiders, ladybugs and beetles. The teen volunteers painted bugs on the kids to match their group. One library board member sat at each table to to help each group. The teen volunteers were in charge of taking the kids to each location to get a piece of their main club.

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Once the groups got all their clues the taped the picture together and turned it over to decode the where abouts of the treasure box. The first group to decode the clue took the teen volunteer and the youngest bug and went to get the treasure box.



Once the box was opened by the winning group everyone got some to the loot. Then the kids sat on the floor to enjoy a snack and drink. While the kids were all sitting down summer reading prizes were handed out.

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