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The 2018 summer reading program started on Wednesday, June 6th. We had Grandpa Pokey down for our big kick-off. Kid signed up for Summer Reading and then Grandpa Pokey made them balloon animals.







Next up was Father’s Day, the kids made gifts for their dads on June 13th. After they were done making their gifts they got to decorate and eat cupcakes for National Cupcake day also on the 13th.







June 20th the younger kids made Rock n’ Roll Worry dolls







The teens made Thumb Piano’s on June 21st







The Adults made their own Rock n’ Roll Worry dolls on June 22nd.







June 27th the younger kids made Egg shakers and Screaming balloons.







June 28th saw the teen’s trying  “Break-Out”, a game where you try to open different types of locks.







Friday, June 29th the adults attempted a folded washcloth craft







We had a very busy month. Not to mention the adult food club “Richmond Minions” that also meets every Friday at noon, still going strong!

More to come in July!