March 2025

March is almost here, do we have anything planned at the library? yes we do.

As usual story time is Wednesday mornings at 10:00 AM

The adult craft club is making Suet feeders on March 7th at 1:00 PM. Our second craft will be March 21st and we will be painting flower pots.


The kids will make Mardi Gras mask on March 4th after school.

During spring break we will have Potato chip day on March 14th @b 4:00 PM.

Edible Leprechaun hats at 3:00 PM on March 17th  and Paper Ninja Stars on March 20th at 3:00 PM

Books club will meet on Thursday, March 20th at 11:00 AM




February 2025

We have a few thing planned for February, here is a list.

Adult crafts:

We made hand towel Teddy Bears on February 7th and will make Mardi  Gras mask on February 21 @ 1:00

Story time is Wednesday mornings at 10:00 AM

Kids after school crafts:

We made edible ground hogs on February 3rd.

We are making Valentines boxes on February 14th.

Book Club will be Thursday, February 20th @ 11:00 AM

This month book club is reading any non-fiction book…

Richmond Public Library 2024 Annual Report


Below is a list of items we track for the State Library report:
Library Stats:

Registered Library card holders- 268
Library visitors– 4,162
Reference transactions– 927
Books added– 367
Movies & TV shows added– 91
Computer Users– 1,372
Wireless Users– 583
Inter-library Loans- 1,792
Inter-library Borrowed– 654

Total Library Programing:

Kids under 5
43- programs
335- attendance

Kids 6-11
557 -attendance

17- Programs
85- attendance

27- Programs
104- attendance

Program for Everyone
6- programs
115- attendance

Summer Reading Programs:
Kids 5 & under
6- Program
54- attendance

Kids 6-11
8- programs
111 – attendance

6- Programs

6- Programs
29- attendance

3- programs
40- attendance

The library has programing year round for all ages. We try to plan something for everyone. We have story time for the little ones [Wednesday @ 10 AM] Craft Club for the adults Friday @ 1:00 PM, twice a month. Books & Brunch our book club meets the 3rd Thursday @ 11:00 AM Crafts on most holidays for the kids, and any time we find something for them to make. Summer reading for everyone.
We have 6 computers for public use and 1 laptop for adult use. We offer fax and printing for a small fee.

We are a Fine Free library. We do not charge late fees. Patrons are only charged if they damage or lose library items.

At the end of 2024 the library owned;
We have over 1,750 DVD’s and over 350 TV shows and 35 Blu-ray movies
17- Audio books
4,702  books [regular print and large print]
This library also has 21 Halloween Masks that can be checked out. No other library has that.

Hoopla is also Free with a Library Card

Keep an eye on the library Facebook page for up and coming events.

$350.00 was donated in summer reading supplies in 2024

We were able to have a few fundraisers this year, they did pretty good also, they help keep the library doors open.

2025 we plan on looking and filing for more grants.
Having our Spring & Christmas basket raffles. Taco dinner also in the spring.
Working the Fair stand and helping with supplies, for our share of the profits. Maybe a rummage sale in the fall and a dinner with the Christmas raffle.…