October is over and it was a busy month. we made crafts with the seniors, we had two Halloween craft days for the kids, a teen craft day, lots of Halloween crafts at story time and had a Kansas Notable Books food fest.

craft1 ghosts3 gourds#3 notable#1

November wont hold quite as much, but we do have some things planned. First up is Senior craft day on the 13th, held at the community building after lunch is over. The 15th is International Game Day @ Your Library, the library will be open from 12:00 to 3:00 for this event. The 21st at 12:00 will be an adult Fall craft and food day. Finally on the 24th there will be a Thanksgiving craft day for the kids.

Also in November the library employees and board members will be selling tickets for our Christmas Raffle. Come to the library and see what we have this year for our raffle items, there’s sure to be something for everyone!

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