June 2020 Summer Reading

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We have finished the first month of this strange summer reading program. All seems to be going well this year, even though we were not sure what to expect.

We have 33 kids, 8 teen and 9 adults sign up.






So far we have made Unicorns, foaming dragons, paper bag monsters, cardboard swords.

The Tweens and teens have done 4 invisible movies, foaming dragons and designed snap bracelets.

The adults have made fairies and only managed to have lunch one time. This social distancing is hard sometimes.

The older kids and adults are also doing Cemetery Poker.

Everyone is doing the Story walk and the Minion hunt.






Coming in July?

Frog masks, bees wax candles, fire breathing dragons, DIY paddle boats, pet rocks, slime/ lip gloss, village, mini weapons of mass destruction, crowns, aliens and candy dots. Also a new story walk and a ducky hunt.…

Summer Reading 2020

We did not know how things were going to work this summer with the way things are in the world. Covid-19 made us think of new ways to do things.

So summer reading started and yes they came and signed up! we have 22 kids, 8 tween & teens and 7 adults, I say not bad for a town of under 500 people.

So the first week the kids made unicorns and the teens guessed what the invisible movie was. This week they all made foaming dragons [the kids loved this]. For June we also have a “Minion” hunt, find all the minions on Central street, and a story walk.







The teens and adults are doing Cemetery Poker. Everyone is participating in the story walk and the Minion hunt. Summer Reading seems to be going really well!

Up next? The kids will make Paper bag monster, the teen/tweens will make DIY snap bracelets and the adults will make fairies.…

Phase 3- Reopening the Library

Phase 3- Library Open Regular Hours [with some restrictions] June 15th

Library now open regular hours. Still practice social distancing
Hand Sanitizer must be used when you enter the library
2 computers now open [still only 30 minutes]
No more than 5 people allowed in the library at a time
Interlibrary Loan now available
NO In-Library programing
NO Public Restroom
Browsing shelves now allowed
Kids under 12 allowed with a parent or guardian [18 or older]

Daily Actions:
Employees should wash hands regularly and /or use hand sanitizer.
Public areas should be cleaned several times a day with sanitizing wipes and sanitizing spray
Keyboards and computer mouse will be covered. Covering will be replaced after each use.
Circulation Desk still surrounded by plastic curtains…

Summer Reading 2020 Starts

Wednesday, June 3, 2020 the library kicked off it’s 2020 summer reading program. No fan fair, no performer, just come in sign up and take home your summer reading bag and first craft. This is a new way of doing things, but we still hope to have many patrons participating.

Kids are taking home the crafts this year to make at their own houses, instead of in the library.We are asking to have pictures sent to us, so we can still post them.

We are off to a pretty good start. Received some pictures of crafters !




We are also finally doing our bread class, just not the way it was planned. Those who signed up received a bag of all the supplies [except milk] and a recipe to take home. The can call or text if they have any questions, these patrons are also asked to send us pictures of their product.




Thinking of having another bread class later this month. Maybe Zucchini bread this time.…

Phase 2 -Library reopening plan

Phase 2 -Temporary Library Hours [June 1- June 12]
Monday & Friday- 2:00 – 5:00 PM
Wednesday & Thursday- 11:00 – 4:00 PM
Temporary Library Rules
No more than [4] four patrons allowed in the library at a time.

Hand sanitizer must be use when you enter the library.

1 computer now open. Keyboard & Mouse will be covered [covering replaced after each user.Only 30 minutes computer time per person

Local Hold or point out for check outs. Not allowed to pick up items form shelves. Librarian will follow you and you can point to the items you would like. Hopefully Interlibrary loan will be back on June 8th

Patrons allowed to be in library 30 minutes

Social distancing still a must

No in-library programing.

No children under 12 allowed without a parent or guardian

NO Public Bathroom

Starting June 15th the plan is to be open our regular hours, still with some limitations.…