Richmond Public Library Food Club

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Richmond Public library has had a food club for many years. I changes every so often to keep things fresh. We stared years ago with geography club, then alphabet club, then Minion food club. Well its time to refresh again so we are now The Richmond Public Library Food club.

We usually meet every Friday, but have decided to meet monthly with this refresh. So we will now have Food Club on the first Friday of each month.

The refreshed club new rules are:

Check or ILL a book or magazine from the library

Make a recipe either in the book or magazine or inspired by the book or magazine.

We will see how this “New” club works out for everyone. Our first Food club day is Friday, October 1st @ 12:00 PM…

Library Yard Sale

The Library is having A “Yard Sale” on Saturday, September 11th. We will be located on the side yard of the Catholic church right on 59 highway. We plan to be there from 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM. If anyone has anything they would like to donate please contact the library 785-835-6163 and we will get someone to come and pick it up. This is a fundraiser to the library!

Covid update

With Covid on the rise [again] the library is asking the following:
Please social distance when in the library
You MUST use hand sanitizer to use our computers
Computers: We have 3 open, every other one to help with social distancing.
Masks; Not required at this time, but wear them if you feel the need.
No public bathroom: [Our bathroom is a very small space]
We are trying to keep up with the Franklin County web site and the CDC to help keep us ALL safe.
Many thanks for your cooperation…

Library to be CLOSED

Summer Reading is over so the librarians are taking a break.

The library will be CLOSED August 9th- August 14th.

We will be back open on Monday, August 16th

Hope everyone enjoyed their summer and all the kids are ready to go back to school

Summer Reading 2021

Summer Reading 2021 has come to and end.

We stared on Wednesday, June 2nd and ended on Wednesday, July 28th. Two months of summer reading.

What did we do this summer?  We made garden spider frames, diving squids, bird faces, cryptid paintings, pet paitngs, cow catapults, Father’s day gifts, Epson salt candle holders. We tie dyed face masks and shirts, made bead bracelets and bead snakes. We decorated wine bottles and made wine bottle wind chimes.

We also decorated hand puppets, made frog flicker puppets, pet magnets.

Everyone made dream catchers. At the end of summer reading party the preschoolers made cloud dough and then had ice cream. The other kids and teens made blobfish slime and then had ice cream, What a summer! We hope everyone had a great time!