Costa Rica

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The March meeting of the Richmond Public Library Geography club was Tuesday, March 3rd. This month the club chose Costa Rica. There was quite a bit of information to be found on this tiny county.

Did you know that Costa Rica has a 98% literacy rate? school is very important there. Women do not take their husbands last name, MacDonald’s and Burger King have home delivery. These are just a few of the things we learned.

Costa Ricans eat rice and beans at every meal so we have three different versions of rice and beans. There was also chicken, pork, potatoes, salad and of course desert. Ever had corn cake? we have.…

Kansas Geography Club

For the February meeting of the Richmond Public Library Geography Club we celebrated “Kansas”. Since the 29th of January was Kansas Day and it was time to start reading the one-state-one-book by Kansas Author “Virgin of the Small Plains” we thought Kansas sounded like a good choice.

There were wheat muffins, cornbread, Babatt [bread with sausage], broccoli sunflower salad and whole wheat walnut crumb cake. It was all soooo gooood!

Next up? Costa Rica on March 2nd.…


The Richmond Public Library Geography Club met on Tuesday, October 7th @ 2:30 P.M. to celebrate Germany.

The group had sauerkraut, sauerbraten, potato salad and some really good dessert. There was a little quiz on Germany, winners received Germany candy. We looked at some Germany coins and dolls too.

Everyone who attended Germany recieved a Kinder Egg. This is a German chocolate egg around a plastic egg, the egg holds a toy.

Since next month is Thanksgiving the group has decided to just have appitizers and dips.…