May 2021 Coivd Rules

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Monthly update on library Covid Rules:[May 13, 2021]
Please- still social distance
Hand Sanitizer- Mostly if you are using our computers
Will still offer in-Libary and Grab N’ Go crafts
3 computers now open…

New Covie-19 Rules April 2021

At the regular monthly meeting of the Richmond Public Library Board of Trustees we once again went over our Covid rules for the library. We have been going over them monthly to see what needs to stay the same and what can be changed.

Here are the new rules:

Face Masks are Recommended

Please Social Distance

Please use Hand Sanitizer when you come in the library

The library will offer In-Library programing with limited space and grab n go for all our crafts. All programing will now require a sign up sheet

2 Computers for public use are now open

Still Closed on Saturday. May 1st is the date set to be open on Saturday again.

Thank you for all you for all your patience during all this covid stuff. We hope you feel safe to come and visit us at the library!…

National Library Giving Day

Richmond Public Library is raising funds through a Library Giving Day campaign. This one-day-online fundraising event will occur on Thursday, April 7, 2021 and we encourage patrons and library Lovers to make a gift the Richmond Public Library. This campaign reminds us that libraries, small and large, serve as a cornerstone for our communities. In addition to well-loved books, we have dvd’s, free access to the internet, computers for your use. There are events year round at the library, craft day for most holidays, Summer reading program in the summer and of course Friday food club for the adults. We miss everyone terribly and hope to open again soon!
Always remember
“Reading can take you all the places you can’t afford to go!”
To donate go to our website at and click the librarygivingday link.
During this time of covid-19 we have still offered crafts for the adults and kids, only instead of doing them in the library we have been offering grab n go crafts. We are doing what we can to give everyone something to do with the Covid and the weather we do what we can for our patrons.

Library Taco Dinner

Saturday, April 10th 4:30 – 7:30
Richmond Public Library annual Taco Dinner will be held at the

Richmond Community Building

Tring something new this year, “Build A Meal.
All order [except Nachos] include:
Rice, refried beans and a cookie
This year will be “Build A Meal”
You select which other items you want and how much.
Prices will be posted on Facebook, in this post and at the library
[also on Community Building door day of the dinner]
Take out only!


Enchilada $2.00
Taco Burger $2.00
Nachos $3.00
Hard Taco $1.00
Soft Taco $1.00
CALL 835-6465 [day of dinner]
TEXT TO ORDER 785-418-6795
Please leave your name if you text or call and when you will arrive…

2021 Spring Library Raffle

It’s raffle time! The library is having it’s spring raffle. Tickets are $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. Tickets will be sold until April 10th.

Winners will be drawn on the evening of our Taco Dinner via Facebook live around 7:00 PM, April 10th

Raffle tickets can be purchased at the library or from current library board members or library staff. Buy some tickets support the library!