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Below is a list of the current Board of Trustees and their terms.

  • Chairman: Laura Deters [Feb. 27th] term – 5/20 – 4/24 [2nd]
    2110 John Brown
    Princeton KS 66078
    785-937-2753 home 785-241-0061 [cell]
  • Vice Chair: Kelly Reeder [Oct. 22]
    204 Oak Haven Dr. term – 5/21- 4/25 [1st]
    Richmond KS 66080
  • Secretary: Melissa Ashwill [May 7] term 5/22- 5/26 [1st]
    118 South Street
    Richmond KS 66080
  • Treasurer: Barbara Lane [Jan. 7th] term – 5/19 – 4/23 [1st]
    216 N. Rigdon /P.O. Box 283
    Richmond, KS 66080
    785-835-9982 home/ 785-433-1288 [cell]
  • System Rep.: Ken Manwarren [Sept. 22nd] term – 5/19 – 4/23 [2nd]
    2376 Clark Rd
    Richmond KS 66080
    785-835-9966 home/- 913-449-7339 [cell]
  • Key Holder: Steph Wight-Cary [Mar. 1st] term 5/20- 4/24 [1st]
    216 S. Kallock
    Richmond KS 66080
  • Board Member: term – Cynthia Middaugh [Apr 2] 5/22 – 4/26 [1st]
  • 139 N. Cleveland
  • Richmond KS 66080
  • 785-415-0802 [cell




Library board meetings are the 2nd Thursday of each month @ 6:30 p.m., unless otherwise specified