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National Library week 2023 will be April 23rd – 29th. The library annually has an “Open House” to celebrate National Library Week. This year the open house will be Tuesday, April 25th from 12:00 to 2:00 PM

We will be serving refreshments to all who come in. Come and take a look around. Maybe you haven’t been here in a while, maybe we made some changes. Maybe you just want to come in and visit.

There will be a book to sign when you come in. A giving tree will be on the table if anyone would like to make a donation to the library. Friends of Library memberships will be available if you  would like to join.

Come on and just take a look around. We also have all a Spring Raffle basket up,maybe you want to buy a raffle ticket, ask about are Taco Dinner coming up in May.