Below is a list of items we track for the State Library report: Considering the Pandemic STILL going on, we did pretty good.
Library Stats:
Library visitors– 4071
Reference transactions– 972
Books added– 242
Movies & TV shows added– 98
Computer Users– 1428
Wireless Users– 851 [something is wrong with the report we use for Wi-Fi, this is the number we counted, not the program the usually counts it]
Inter-library Loans- 853
Inter-library Borrowed– 1543
Library Programing:
Kids under 5
121 programs
291 attendance
Kids 6-11
33 Programs
221 attendance
22 Programs
29 attendance
49 Programs
216 attendance
Program for Everyone
3- programs
63- attendance
The library has programing year round for all ages. We try to plan something for everyone. We have story time for the little ones [Wednesday @ 10 AM] Craft Club for the adults [Friday @ 1PM]. Crafts on most holidays for the kids, and any time we find something for them to make. Summer reading for everyone.
We have 6 computers for public use and 1 laptop for adult use. We offer fax and printing for a small fee.
We are a Fine Free library. We do not charge late fees. Patrons are only charged if they damage or lose library items.
At the end of 2022 the library owned;
2065 DVD’s and TV shows
17 Audio books
8,869 books [regular print and large print]
This library also had Halloween Masks that can be checked out. No other library has that.
Hoopla is also Free with a Library Card
Keep an eye on the library Facebook page for up and coming events.
The library was able to receive a grant this year, this helped replace one of the older computer.
We were able to have a few fundraisers this year, they did pretty good also, they help keep the library doors open.
2023 we plan on looking and filing for more grants.
Having our Spring & Christmas basket raffles. Taco dinner also in the spring.
Working the Fair stand and helping with supplies, for our share of the profits