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Summer reading is over, school has started, autumn is coming. What is the library up to?

The library is participating in the Harvest to Home project. Every other Friday we get a fruit and vegetable bundle delivered to the library for those who sign up online. It cost $15.00 per bag. The next ‘Bundle’ should be Friday, September 16th. Watch the library Facebook page for information on this.

Story time is still here, 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday mornings.

There are two days scheduled for the kids after school. Wednesday, September 14th we will be making Cinnamon slime. Please sign-up for this, remember we have limited space in our little library. We will start around 4:30 P.M.

Thursday, September 22nd is National Ice Cream Cone day, the kids will have ice cream cones, an ice cream quiz and possible another craft. We will start around 4:30 P.M.