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Summer Reading 2021 has come to and end.

We stared on Wednesday, June 2nd and ended on Wednesday, July 28th. Two months of summer reading.

What did we do this summer?  We made garden spider frames, diving squids, bird faces, cryptid paintings, pet paitngs, cow catapults, Father’s day gifts, Epson salt candle holders. We tie dyed face masks and shirts, made bead bracelets and bead snakes. We decorated wine bottles and made wine bottle wind chimes.

We also decorated hand puppets, made frog flicker puppets, pet magnets.

Everyone made dream catchers. At the end of summer reading party the preschoolers made cloud dough and then had ice cream. The other kids and teens made blobfish slime and then had ice cream, What a summer! We hope everyone had a great time!