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The 2021 Summer reading program will start on Wednesday, June 2nd and run through Wednesday, July 28th. This year we will offer In-Library and Grab n Go crafts. You will be required to sign up for each craft and let us know if you will be In-Library or Grab n Go. The only one that does not require sign up is the Sign up day.

You will receive you summer reading bag, some goodies, and schedule of crafts and for younger kids, your first craft on June 2nd.

Summer Reading is split up into groups: Younger Kids, Teens [ages 12-18] and Adults. Younger kids craft days are on Wednesday at 3:00, Teens are Thursday at 3:00 and adults Friday at 1:00. This craft days are for those who are participating in the 2021 Summer Reading program. Below is a schedule for June, will post July later.

Younger Kids [Under 12]:

June 2nd- Sign up and Garden Spider Frame

June 9th- Bird Face [ Make a bird picture and bring it back we will post in the window for a contest]

June 16th- Cow Catapult and Father’s Day crafts

June 23rd- Tie Dye Face masks [NOT a Grab N Go, In-Library only]

June 30th-Bead Snake craft

Teens[ 12- 18 year olds]:

June 3rd- Sign up and Diving Squid craft

June 10th Cryptid Paintings

July 24th- Tie Dye Masks [NOT a Grab N Go, In-Library only]

Adults:[In Library only for Adult crafts]

June 4th- Sign up

June 11th- Epson Sale Candle holder

June 18th- Pet paintings

June 25th- Tie Dye Masks