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It’s a new year and a new month. What has the library been up to in January 2020?

Our Friday Food Club [Richmond Minions] is still going strong. Still meeting on most Friday’s at noon. We have all kinds of wonderful food and good company.

Story time is still on Wednesdays around 10:00 AM. When the kids are not sick or the weather is not bad that is.

Okay what else have we been up to? Since it’s winter and cold out side, we decided to make “Melted Snowman” in a jar. The kids each got a jar, glitter, and snowman parts. put it all together add water and you have “Melted Snowman” in a jar.

January is Kansas Birthday, so of course we did something to celebrate.

The adult group decorated “sunflower” cupcakes on Friday, January 23rd.

The story time kids colored “Tumbling” prairie dogs. Once they were colored we put them together and the kids got to roll them down a board.

School kids got to also make “Tumbling” prairie dogs after school was out. The also made sunflower cupcakes. A cupcake, and Oreo cookie and yellow frosting [whats not to love about that?]

Since the Super Bowl was on February 2nd, and the Kansas City Chiefs were going we had to do something so. The adults made signs and had “Super bowl” snacks on Friday, January 31st.

The kids also got to do something for the super bowl. We had snacks and make goal post and footballs with popsicle sticks and construction paper.

What next at the library? Valentines crafts on Friday, February 14th.