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Winners of the 2019 Library Christmas Basket Raffle:
Cat Basket- Chloe LaDuke
Baking Basket- Steph Wight
Apocalypse Go Bag- Rhonda Frank
Liquor Basket- Mike McDonald
Wine Basket- Sam Morgan
Holiday Basket- Lenny Williams
Chocolate Basket- Nickie Miller
Kids Basket- Ashley Phillips
VR Headset Bag- Dustin Webb’
Popcorn & Movie Basket- Sam Morgan
Hot Drinks- Kallen Hastings
Ukulele- Dan Alexander
Bird Feeder & Seed- Andy Finley
Hand Painted Bird Feeder & Seed- Lenny Williams
Tupperware- Lisa Williams
Nightmare Before Basket- Danika Willis
Blanket- Weslon Rowland
Many Thanks to all those who bought tickets! Thanks for supporting the Library!