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April 2016 seems to be “Fundraiser”month, and clean up time.

First up on Saturday, April 2nd the Richmond Ruritans are sponsoring a supper & auction for the Richmond Fair’s new Livestock Barn  & show arena. They will be serving BBQ pork with all the fixings.  The meal will be served from 5:00 to 7:30 PM at the Richmond Community Building. After the meal there will be an auction.

April 6th through April 10th will be Richmond City Wide Clean days. The dumpsters will be located at the corner of N. Ransom and Central st.  Please do NOT but appliances with freon, boats, tires, oil, gas tanks, burned trash residue, liquids, paint, batteries or chemicals.

Sunday, April 24th is the Richmond Community Building Smorgasbord fundraiser. This years menu is: Fried chicken, mashed potatoes & gravy, green beans, salad and dessert. Take out is available. There will also be a raffle for prizes. Tickets can be bought at the dinner or from Community Building Board members.  The meal is a FREE WILL DONATION. Take out is available.

Saturday, April 30th is the Richmond Public Library Taco Dinner fundraiser. The main dish is 2 taco’s, beans, rice, and chips & cheese. We will also have available enchiladas, taco burger sliders, nachos and small taco salads. The library is currently selling tickets for their raffle. The winners will be drawn the night of the dinner. Tickets will be sold right up the the time of the drawing. The meal is a FREE WILL DONATION. Take out is available!