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It’s almost time for summer reading to begin. Below is a schedule for the programs for this summer.

“Dream Big Read” is the program for the children birth to 5th grade.

Wednesday, June 6 @3:00 Sign-up & Seed Spitting Contest
Wednesday, June 13 @ 3:00 Father’s Day Gifts
Wednesday, June 20 @ 3:00 Decorating Masks
Wednesday, June 27 @ 3:00 Painting Ceramic Monsters & Animals
Wednesday, July 11 @ 3:00 Decorating Mini Cupcake and Cake Pops
Wednesday, July 18 @ 3:00 Butterfly Finger Puppets
Wednesday, July 25 @ 3:00 Painting Sun Catchers
Wednesday, August 1 @ 3:00 End of Summer Reading party

Children will receive a prize for reading 5, 10, 15 and 20 books. Those who read at least 20 books will receive a persona
l pan pizza certificate from Pizza Hut. Prizes will be handed out at the end of Summer Reading Party. Prizes will be given for the most read books.

2012 Teen Summer Reading
6th – 12 Grade reading program
Wednesday, June 6th- Summer Reading Signup @ 3:00
Thursday, June 14th – Dream Catchers @ 2:00
Thursday, June 28th – Henna Tattoos @ 2:00
Thursday July 5th – Candle Making @ 2:00
Thursday, July 19th- Fortune Telling @ 2:00

August 1st End of Summer Reading Party @ 3:00

This year the teens and adults will be given point:
How it will work:

1 point for each book you read.
2 points for a card, if you pull a card and do what it says.
1 point for attending craft days for your group.

For every 5 points you will get to put you name in the prize drawing jar.

2012 Adult Summer Reading Program

Wednesday, June 6th- Summer Reading Sign-up
Friday, June 8th- Painting Gourds @ 1:00
Monday, June 11- Bi-Folkal Kit
Friday, June 22nd – Edible Books @ 1:00
Friday, July 6th- Beading with Eleanor @ 1:00
Friday, June 20th – Make you own Hidden Picture @ 1:00



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